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Six themed shots from the archives at www.timbirdphotography.com

I’m a regular visitor to the north-eastern coast of India and the most northerly parts of the state of Odisha, some 300km south of Kolkata. One of my favourite things to do there is to visit the beaches late in the afternoon, to watch the sky turn pink as the sun goes down, and to watch the fishermen bringing in their nets and cleaning their boats. These six shots are from a growing selection – the shot in the banner above is also from the Odisha beach on the shore of the Bay of Bengal. I have just returned from a visit – the temperature was in the 40s so I spent a night near the beach in the somewhat run-down resort of Chandipur near Balasore to cool down.

These beaches reach out several kilometres at low tide, and it’s possible to walk and paddle in shallow pools for hours from the casuarina trees along the sand dunes towards the ocean.

School kids on the beach at Chandipur.

School kids on the beach at Chandipur.

Fisherman mending and sorting nets

Fisherman mending and sorting nets

Washing and scouring the nets for small fish as the sun goes down

Washing and scouring the nets for small fish as the sun goes down


Rakesh practices his dance moves on Chandipur beach


Packing up the nets for the night at sunset


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